Friday, November 24, 2006
Baby Spongebob!

lol ...those are the photo that i had taken when i was ready to go to the graduation dinner at furama hotel near chinatown ...the dinner was at 7.30 pm but i and my friend reached there at abt 7pm when there r already pplz who have reached there liao ...then the formal dress code i wore until like so messy lor ...then one of my friend say to me that i was not me not like the usual me lah ...haha . But the shirt i am wearin to the dinner was "formal" but not really formal lah ...cos most of them wear blazer and i jus wear shirt w/o blazer and somemore is tucked out ...haha, then the moment i reached the hotel , Miss Toh came and take photo wid me ...haha , still haven recieve the photo yet ...when i recieve it , i will put it in my friendster and this blog ...haiz , then after the dinner , went to take alot of the photo wid my friend ...oso haven recieve from them yet sia ...haiz , kk, blog till here liao ...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Baby Spongebob!
haiz ...another boring day have pass , didn't know that i had worked for so long already , abt a month liao ba ...(wow ) times flies so fast sia ...this is the second last week of Nov and will soon be Dec ...startin to worry abt my n lvl result liao ...really hope that i can pass , and get promoted to Sec 5 ... today is almost the same as yesterday sia though there are some crap goin on ...then after work went to take MRT wid sk and tan ...went to northpoint's timezone wid tan when i and tan reached yishun MRT station ... then after goin to timezone , we went to take bus , saw my "student" comin and smiled at me sayin : hello . I replied back wid a smile only sia , cos didn't know that she is comin to say hi to me ... But today times seem to be passin fast ...nth to said abt today liao , jus hopin that tml's prom nite will not end so fast though the time is pasin by us fast ...(happy moment pass by fast ) , it is truth ? Haiz , dun care abt this liao lah ...goin to sleep liao ,
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Baby Spongebob! went to cut hair wid tan ...then keep thinkin of changin my hairstyle so went to cut that kind of hair lor ...haha , my new hairstyle looked quite messy ba ? At first i oso think that my hair is like so odd and messy ...but after that i dun think that liao sia ...haha ...then after that went home to wash hair ...then after that wanted to style back my hair , cant believe that i cant style back my hair ...haha( WAT SIA !!! CANT STYLE BACKK ) ...then forget it , went to tan's house tried to ask tan to style my hair back ...but he oso like cant , haiz ...then still went back to the same old hairstyle AGAIN ...or maybe is my hair is too long to style lah ...haha, cant help it ...then after went to tan's house ...went out wid his friend at abt 3.30pm ba ...then saw sk but he like didn't saw me sia ...haha, the rest of the story dun wan to write liao ...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Baby Spongebob!
it is already 10pm when i am writin this blog ...minds was not flowin though my brain to tell me wat to write ...haiz , wat am i becomin sia ? Still unable to forget abt that matter , whenever there is love song , or lover jus beside me , my tears will jus flow by the side of my eyes and mind will jus flowin though those past time ...keep makin my eyes to have some tears and were unable to jus cry out ...But nvm as time will heal (hope so) !!! Haiz , so happy sia , cos tml is friday liao sia , get to rest after a five days work ...( haha) Sian , no mood to continue blogging liao lah ...stop here then ...
Monday, November 13, 2006
Baby Spongebob!
wow was not quite a crapping day lah ...cos jus came back from weekend ma , so dun have the mood ba ...but at least there is still some lah shi fei zhu , bai gu jing and oso ah lam ba ...dun really have the mood to listen sia though i am jus beside them when they are crapping , cos jus break up wid her ...haiz , though was quite unwilling ...but since she wanted it , i oso cant reject it ma ...cant force her to be wid me if she don't love me ...haiz , but nvm lah dun talk that in here where am i , ohh ya this morning was quite surprise when sk reached yishun at abt 7.35am sia ...cos normally sk will reach yishun mrt station at abt 7.50am when we were to go to work wid him ...then get to saw ROY sia ...tio shocked when he tapped me ...haha ... then today at work that time , didn't really do much ...jus only joining of belt , trimming belts , cutting belts(those belts that i get to slack) not all those big ones ...haha ...though was keep doin thing but was not very tough ...though cant get to slack , but the work that i do is not so tough yet i get hungry so easily sia ...haiz , then lose 1/2kg of weight liao sia ...HOW COME !!! already so skinny liao ...still lose weight , haiz , dunnoe wat to do sia ...ok lah till here cos forget the rest liao ...
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Baby Spongebob!
haiz , wat a boring and sad day to me ... in the morning was already so sian liao and so is in the afternoon ...makin me quite angry liao ...then at abt 5sth , a bad news jus come ...haiz , but cant reject so to accept now back to single life again after 8mths and 12days ...haha , wat a funny logic ..haiz ...but nvm lah , we are still friend ma ...haha , at least i get to know more friend in my life ma ...haiz ...dun care liao lah ..break up break up lah ...cant do anything liao ma ...haiz ...didn't know that sadness devil will come so fast sia ...sian , but nvm lah , dun bother abt it liao ...forget abt it lah ...keep thinkin abt it will get me old very soon de ...haha ...think on the bright side of life lah ...not everything is bad ma ..cos at least i got a bunch of crapping friend ...haha , feel so lucky ...ok lah , today already so sad liao ...dun wan to blog liao ...later more sad , hope to blog soon again lor ...haha
Baby Spongebob!
yoz is a very boring day for me sia , in the morning , my parents started to call my sister up liao ...the time is abt 8 sth ba ...aiya , not sure so nvm ...haha ...then i was awake becoz of the noise made by my parent ...haiz , but still i get to sleep after they stopped calling my younger sister happy sia ...then they went out ...dunnoe go where ...then i sleep a few more hours later was only 9 sth sia ...cant believe that i cant get into sleep again liao ...haiz , was so tired sia ...then wake up , bush teeth , wash face ...etc lah ...then on the tv to watch , after a while , my younger sister woke up liao ...after she woke up , i went down to buy breakfast fact nth really happened to me today lah ...jus that today is boring ...nth to do !!! haiz ...sian arghh !!! then play audition for two hours ba ...then went DC !!! haiz ...wanted to play again de ...but lazy to press on the icon again forget it liao , come here blog , after my audition went DC , my parent reached home and my younger sister went to sleep again ...havin afternoon nap ma ...haha dad oso ...haiz ...that's all till now ...cos i dunnoe wat will happen to me at nite are jus wat i had gone though in the morning and afternoon ...kkz
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Baby Spongebob!
yoz to chat abt life yesterday ...yesterday is quite good , fun and crapping day sia fact , in the morning , nth happen much lah ...jus that i and tan take the train a 7.50am in stead of 7.45am de ...cos want to wait for sk to go to work together ...but when we board the train we didn't really saw sk ...then i and tan jus board the train and went to work lor ...then we reach boon lay , where our work place is near there , we went to the usually place to wait for the shelter bus to come to bring us to our work place ...then at abt 8.40am , the bus came and fetch us to go to joo koon , where my work place is at , then reach there at abt 8.55 am ba ...then went to " da car " at abt 8.59am sia ...haha ...then need to open a mini meetin for our lunch ma ...haha,then everytime after the meetin will waste abt 15mins of our time sia ...haha ...then after the mini meetin ...i start work at the thermofix cos the belt that i needed to join haven finish yet ...then work and work till abt 10sth nia ..i get hungry liao sia , only stand oso get hungry sia ...i cant believe sia ...but that is not the point yet ...then ah k teach me to trim the belt ...then after teachin me , he ask me do it myself i do it myself , then after a while , ah lam come and see wat i am doin ...then he started crappin wif me sia (when i am still doin my triming) ...then i sian diao sia ...cos cant concentrade ma ..then i wan to carp him back ah k come and see how i am doin ...askin me got problem a not ...then when ah k come and ask me and i ans him back no problem ...ah lam went to chat wih ah k ...then i happy sia ..haha ...then after they chat finish were cuttin his belt and tan was slackin around sia ...then after sk cut finished his belt ...he went to crap wid tan (cant remember much liao )...haha ...then at lunch break , we almost get 5 mins early lunch break sia ...but in the end cant get it ...get to work 4 mins more ...haiz , then durin lunch break ...i , tan and sk went to eat ma ...after eatin (left we three in the "canteen") i and tan went to play the drats ...then keep playin till 12.30 pm sia ...have fun sia ...haha ...anyhow shoot ..see who aim who sia ...haha ...then after all that shootin ...we went to throw away the packet thing ...then slack till 12.45pm lor ...were writin sth btw 12.30pm to 12.45pm lah ...but dunnoe how to say dun wan to write out ...haha...then didn't know that there is a deadline when ah k ask me to cut a A5 size belt sia 40 of them ...he give me those belt after lunch break sia ...lucky i got cuttin skills ..if not i cant really finish cuttin all 40 of it sia ...haha ...cos i started cuttin at abt 3.15pm (after tea break)...then durin tea break, when ah lam say abt the show shaolin soccer fact they were already talkin since morning sia ...cos ah lam were doin some weird pose when i was triming my belt ...haha ...cant believe it ...only then i know that ...haha ...too slow liao sia ...haiz , didn't really know that after my tea break i will be given a deadline belt to cut ( haha)and oso being fooled...then when i am almost finishin my work given by ah k , ah hock was there callin my name ba ...cos in my company got a ah long and a ah rong ...haha ...can really get confuse if the pplz is callin ah rong or ah long ...haha ...aiya ,cant remember the rest liao write till here ba
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Baby Spongebob!
wooohooo,it had been quite a long time since i " reblog " again ba ...haha,been workin this past few days sia ...quite tired lah , makin me no mood to blog , haha that oso can , power ba , hehehehe...this past few days of work got quite alot of deadline sia , almost make me gone mad ...but luckly , the work there is not really very stress lah ...cos the pplz there are seriously very nice sia alot of lame jokes and oso pplz lah ... haha ...then when time get to pass , i get to know them better then the first time when i first started working at there (knowin nth lah)... haha ...then now quite pro liao ...get to handle thing alone sia ...then if got problem die liao ...cos the place there most of the items are quite expensive lah dun dare to make mistake sia problem really need to find someone to help out ...haha,still find that the pplz there and the working place is really very good sia wonder , the pplz can get to work together for so long sia ...haha ...then get to know ah lam , ah ooi , ah wang , ah long , ah k and alot of other pplz lah ...haha ...din really regret gettin this job ...haha ..wooohooo , and oso not forgetting my shi fu , ah hock , haha ...