Friday, September 28, 2007
Baby Spongebob!
time for
End-of-year exam for the sec 1 to 3 pupils.
' N ' lvls national exam for the sec 4N(A) & N(T).
' O ' lvls national exam for the sec 4Exp & 5N(A).
Good Luck to everyone and to myself taking exam.
** but beside having me wishing good luck, study hard too~.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Baby Spongebob!
Heh Heh...
21th Sept:
Had Career Day. Wore formal to sch, had a photo section wid the sec 4s in the morning be4 the start of career day. But didnt took photo sia, regetted it. Haha, so for those who did not have the chance to see me last friday in formal, it could be a waste. As i didnt have a photo of myself that day. Joking~. But this year career day is not as good as last year, as there are too 'many' of poly and ite.
22th Sept:
Woke up at 8.15am, as i have POA lesson at 9am. So after getting ready, went out at 8.40am to walk to sch. Reached sch at 8.55am. Had lesson till 12.10pm, then went home.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Baby Spongebob!
Stop lookin at me...
Leave me alone...
Just ignore me...
Stay away from me...
Some "art" photo taken me.
Baby Spongebob!
Hehehe, here to blog sth lame...
Am i becoming
- Bigger?
- Fitter?
- Fatter?
- Stupidest?
- Lamer?
- Taller?
- Dumber?
- Emo-er?
- Day-Dreamer?
Since i got nth better to do after studyin, so HERE am i bloggin this lame blog.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Baby Spongebob!

Baby Spongebob!
back to blog about my review on prelim paper.
And to have some photo uploaded too~
10th: math paper 1 shld be able to pass.
11th: math paper 2 CMI (cannot make it)
12th: Sci(Chem) and POA paper 2 CMI
13th: Sci(Phy) CMI
14th: Sci(Phy, ChemMCQ) and POA paper 1 shld be able to make it.
SO my overall on prelim is FAIL...
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Baby Spongebob!
back to blog again.
Been studyin, playin,schlin,eatin,tvin and sleepin this sch holiday ba...
but skipped my Chem lesson on thurs, haiz.
haha... since i have skipped, so dun wanna bother abt it liao.
tml, prelim still goes on till this fri.
Mon- maths paper(1) 2hrs
Tues- maths paper(2) 2hrs 30mins
Wed- Combined Sci(3) 1hr 15 mins, POA(2) 2hrs
Thurs- Combined Sci(2) 1hr 15mins
Fri- Combined Sci(1) 1hr, POA(1) 1hr
Hve a very bad feeling that i wun be able to pass prelim.
so i must start revising my weaker subject.
but how to revise when my weak sub when my basis on that sub is bad?
haiz, nvm
but i will do my best then.
haha, i am talkin to myself(so heck care it)
wishin myself all the best in Os than prelim ba.