Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Baby Spongebob!
Wah piang!!!
Wanted to donate blood yet they say that my vein is too small for it!!!
There are a total of 4 stations.
Station 1 is Registration
Station 2 is Medical Screening
Station 3 is Blood Test
Last station is the Donation.
I passed the first 3 station but got rejected at the last station.
Felt so sad.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Baby Spongebob!
Oh my, Oh my...
Should i donate my blood on the 18th Nov?
Dragon Boat on the 19th Nov...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Baby Spongebob!
Cant believe that ACJC students does that kind of stupid thing.
Wat came into my mind when i get to know abt this matter is that when u are too smart, u tend to do more stupid thing than the others.
I wonder how true izit?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Baby Spongebob!
I AM JUS SO BRAIN DEAD AFTER 3hrs of Chinese Chess Competition.
In fact i wasn't able to focus during EI lesson.
So lets heck care for chapter 4 and carry on.
Lets post some PHOTOS